作者莊吳斌,是影像研究者、策展人和藝術家,同時是攝影評論期刊《環亞攝影評論》(Trans Asia Photography Review)的編輯委員。他長期關注東南亞的攝影實踐,以及攝影與民族主義和冷戰的關聯。2010年曾獲荷蘭克勞斯親王基金會研究獎助金、2017年獲選為新加坡國家圖書館李光前基金研究員、2019年獲香港何鴻毅家族基金中華研究獎助金計畫贊助。此外,他亦受邀參與國際駐地研究計畫,包括印尼萬隆科技大學(2013年)、香港亞洲藝術文獻庫(2015及2018年),以及台灣關渡美術館(2017年),並於2015、2017和2020年於清邁攝影節擔任特約策展人。
Photography in Southeast Asia: A Survey is a comprehensive attempt to map the emergence and trajectories of photographic practices in Southeast Asia. The narrative begins in the colonial era, at the point when the transfer of photographic technology occurred between visiting practitioners and local photographers. With individual chapters dedicated to the countries of Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand, The Philippines and Vietnam, the bulk of the book spans the post-WWII era to the contemporary, focusing on practitioners who operate with agency and autonomy. The relationship between art and photography, which has been defined very narrowly over the decades, is re-examined in the process. Photography also offers an entry point into the cultural and social practices of the region, and a prism into the personal desires and creative decisions of its practitioners.
Zhuang Wubin is an image researcher, curator and artist. He is also an editorial board member of Trans Asia Photography Review, recipient of the Prince Claus Fund research grant (2010) and a Lee Kong Chian research fellow at the National Library Board (NLB) of Singapore (Dec 2017 to Jun 2018). Zhuang is the major grantee of The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Greater China Research Grant 2018. He has been invited to research residency programs at Institute Technology of Bandung (2013), Asia Art Archive (AAA), Hong Kong (2015), Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Taiwan (2017) and the Ha Bik Chuen Archive Project at AAA (2018). He is the contributing curator of the Chiang Mai Photo Festival (2015, 2017 and 2020).
《東南亞攝影概論》| 莊吳斌 | 許芳慈、朱詩迪、李佳霖、林昱均、林書全與陳靜琳譯 | 14.8 x 21 x 3.65cm | 720頁 | 2019年11月 | 初版 | 影言社 | 穿線膠裝 | 中文
Photography in Southeast Asia: A Survey | by Zhuang Wubin | Translation by Hsu Fang-Tze et al. | 14.8 x 21 x 3.65cm | 720 pages | Nov. 2019 | 1st edition | VOP BOOKS | Section sewn binding | Chinese edition
同時發行有影像文化獨立刊物《Voices of Photography 攝影之聲》。
VOP BOOKS is a publishing brand that triggers and encourages visual thinking in a world where vision and reasoning collide, through publications on visual arts, culture, history and art critiques. VOP also publishes Voices of Photography, an independent magazine dedicated to image culture.